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Difference between Fusion 360 and AutoCAD?

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I just know Auto CAD has 2D function of drafting with 3D model competence and Fusion 360 has freeform models. Am I right or anything you guys wanted to add to augment my knowledge?

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In CAD evolution AutoCAD came earlier, it used for drafting on the computer which is very simplified and its related project regarding bridges, buildings, landscaping and architecture go through this with .dwg file format. About Fusion 360 run on Mac and windows and basically cloud based only.

Jedi Master Moderator Registered
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AutoCAD & Fusion 360 is totally different software that for use & purpose. In simply AutoCAD targeting 2D design, layout design, fabrication, structural layout design fields,

While Fusion 360 is for 3D modeling in mainly product development fields.

Grand Master Yoda

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For the average maker, Fusion 360 is the better way to go. Yes, it does not have some of the more powerful features that Inventor has but most makers would not need those features.

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AutoCAD came first, is primarily 2D and is the first step (in CAD evolution) from hand drafting to parametric computer design.

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So autoCAD was 2d drafting that got expanded to include a bunch of other disciplines and one of those expansions was fusion 360 into 3d modeling? Is that right

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No, AutoCAD was and is 2D drafting, then AutoDesk made other products, for other markets, including Fusion 360 which is their latest to be mass marketed.

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They're both owned by Autodesk. Otherwise, they are different tools with different uses. There is a strong connection between AutoCAD and Revit, however.

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Fusion 360 is absolute no worth if you're trying to learn parametric modeling.


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