A lots of people get moved to the Cinema 4D. What do Maya users think of Cinema 4D ? Is it really easy to maintain ?
maya and c4d serve different target markets. People more like to work on motion graphics and since c4d commonly used in motion graphics so people think about it
maya and c4d serve different target markets. People more like to work on motion graphics and since c4d commonly used in motion graphics so people think about it
I see, isn't maya used for the motion graphics too ? a
maya and c4d serve different target markets. People more like to work on motion graphics and since c4d commonly used in motion graphics so people think about it
I see, isn't maya used for the motion graphics too ? a
Well no, Maya is a huge sprawling beast. Only technical skills person can used ot and able to make anything. It can not be used for fast or easy graphic used
maya and c4d serve different target markets. People more like to work on motion graphics and since c4d commonly used in motion graphics so people think about it
I see, isn't maya used for the motion graphics too ? a
Well no, Maya is a huge sprawling beast. Only technical skills person can used ot and able to make anything. It can not be used for fast or easy graphic used
Thanks for the feedback. Which things are similar on them ?
Thanks for the feedback. Which things are similar on them ?
The basics are still going to be fairly similar, and since you already know one 3d package, you'll have an easier time learning maya than someone who is just starting out in 3d
I've been tinkering with cinema 4D for a couple days. I feel that maya isn't worth for render cinema 4D standard renderer and a couple of small adjustments on Photoshop
I've been tinkering with cinema 4D for a couple days. I feel that maya isn't worth for render cinema 4D standard renderer and a couple of small adjustments on Photoshop
The reason is Maya and blender both used for creating high-quality animation that's why it take time to rendering. The only thing which can make your rendering fast and capabilities is used the high quality GPU and CPU
If you want to work in animation and vfx then go with the Maya and forget about the C4d. Every damn thing is 2 steps shorter than in c4d.
Agreed. But I’d recommend keeping your eyes open when learning maya. Will make it much easier.